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New alumni association branch launch in Hong Kong

Taipei Tech recently celebrated the establishment of its 17th overseas alumni association in Hong Kong. Under the efforts of Taipei Tech and its distinguished alumni including Lin Tian-mao, Founder of the Tai San Enterprise & Trading Company, and Frank Lin, President of the Le Tandy International Limited and Bridgestone Watch Ltd., and so on, The Hong Kong branch of Taipei Tech alumni association finally launched. The inaugural meeting was held on August 6. Taipei Tech President Li Wen-lung and Director of the Alumni Liaison Center Deng Dao-xing both flew to Hong Kong to witness the special moment. Many important guests attended this significant event to express their congratulations.

Before the association officially launched, the preparation process began in 2016 under the lead of former Taipei Tech President Yao. Taipei Tech representative from the Alumni Liaison Center also came to Hong Kong several times in order to discuss the details of Hong Kong Branch’s setup.

In the future, the Hong Kong Branch will act not only as an official center for local alumni but also a great assistance in student recruitment in the area for Taipei Tech.

In addition to the Hong Kong branch, Taipei Tech has another 16 overseas alumni associations around the globe. And the total number of our alumni is nearly 120,000.

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